is dedicated to helping individuals in Georgia to apply for Social Security Disability benefits. We provide the resources and the information to assist individuals in managing the disability claim process, including working to ensure you are approved for the benefits you deserve.
Our team of experienced representatives works with you to answer questions, complete an individual case evaluation, and help you connect with the resources you need. We also make sure you understand your options and the benefits you are entitled to receive.
In working with thousands of individuals applying for Social Security Disability benefits, the team at is often asked the same questions. To help provide the information you need, here are these frequently asked questions and answers to help you get started.
How to Apply Online for Social Security Disability Benefits in Georgia?
The Social Security Administration website offers an online option to apply for Social Security Disability. This form is completed online and requires the individual to provide all required information. While it is convenient, there is no way to talk directly to a person if you have questions.
At, our representatives can provide information and resources to assist you with the information you need when starting the online application. This helps make the process easier while reducing the risk of errors and omissions on the forms.
How long does it take to get disability in Georgia?
As a general guideline, most complete applications will take about three to five months to process. However, if medical records are not provided or are slow to arrive, or if additional information and evidence is required to process the claim and make a decision, the process can take longer.
Individuals should also be aware that about 60% of initial applications are denied, often due to missing, incomplete, or inaccurate information on the application. Having to file for reconsideration of the application will extend the time of the process.
What Are Social Security Disability Benefits?
Social Security Disability benefits are paid to people who have the required work history and are insured, meaning they have worked recently enough to qualify if they are injured or become sick and cannot work. In some cases, Social Security Disability benefits may extend to members of the family.
How to Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits in Georgia?
To qualify for Social Security Disability benefits, the individual must have a disability that is expected by medical professionals to be permanent or last at least one year. In addition to the medically documented qualifying medical or mental health condition, the individual must have the required work credits through the Social Security Administration, and earnings less than the amount set by the SSA. You must also have worked in a job paying Social Security taxes.
How Long After You’re Approved for Disability Do You Get Your Money?
Social Security Disability benefits typically are paid the fifth month after the date the disability began. If you go through the appeals process and are approved at that point, you will be provided back pay to compensate for the time during the appeal beyond the fifth month. The back pay will arrive after the regular Social Security Disability payments begin.
Can I Apply for Disability Benefits for Mental Health Problems?
This is a common question we hear at It is possible to qualify for Social Security Disability benefits if you have a qualifying mental health condition that prevents you from working. To apply, you will need a formal diagnosis and records that support the diagnosis lasting twelve months or longer and the condition creates an inability to work.
What are the Steps to Apply for Disability Insurance in Georgia?
Our representatives at will walk you through the steps to apply for Social Security Disability online or provide answers to your questions if you choose to go in person. The online application is typically more convenient and easier for most people to complete.
How to Apply for a Government Assistance Program in Georgia?
Most people in Georgia are not aware of the many different government assistance programs available. Our team of representatives can provide information on various programs after we provide a free, no obligation evaluation.
What Qualifies You for Disability in Georgia?
In Georgia and across the country, individuals qualify for Social Security Disability based on specific medical and mental health conditions. These conditions must be diagnosed by a healthcare professional and must prevent the individual from returning to work for at least one year. In many cases, individuals may have permanent disabilities that prevent them from working or only allow them to work limited hours.
Does Georgia’s Supplemental Security Income Program Benefit Those on Disability?
It is possible and not uncommon for individuals in Georgia to be eligible for both Social Security Disability and SSI (Supplemental Security Income). These concurrent benefits are calculated and adjusted based on the amount of SSI and SSDI provided by the government.
Is Medical Treatment Crucial for the Approval of the Social Security Disability Application in Georgia?
A licensed medical or mental health professional must provide medical records and information on the treatment you are receiving to be approved for Social Security Disability. After application, the individual needs to continue with any recommended treatment as discontinuing against the doctor’s advice could result in a denial of the claim.
Can You Get Long-Term Disability Benefits for Anxiety?
It is possible to get Social Security Disability benefits for anxiety, but it is not always easy. The mental health professional must provide information on the diagnosis and treatment, and you must participate in ongoing treatment. Other types of long-term disability insurance policies may or may not include mental health conditions, and it is essential to review the individual policy for coverage.
Why Are Social Security Disability Applications Denied?
There are a few common reasons why Social Security Disability applications are denied. As almost 60% of applications are denied, ensuring all required information is provided at the time of application is important.
Missing information on the application, including doctor and hospital treatment information, is a common cause of application denial. Another common issue is the doctor’s office not providing the medical records or not having the correct information in the records to process the claim.
For many individuals, too high of earnings can also cause a denial. This often occurs when someone continues to work after the injury or illness. Additionally, failure to cooperate by supplying information or not following a medical professional’s treatment recommendations will also trigger a denial of the application.
What Do Long and Short-term Disability Benefits Cover in Georgia?
Different types of insurance are available to cover individuals with short or long-term disabilities through the state of Georgia. Short-term disability for qualifying employees is designed to provide 60% of the benefit salary to a maximum amount. Any other benefits from different programs will eliminate this benefit.
Long-term benefit through the state is in conjunction with possible Social Security Disability benefits. The long-term disability benefits will ensure you have combined benefits that equal 60% of your salary up to the set amount.
What’s the process for applying for disability in Georgia?
Individuals in Georgia should meet with a representative of before beginning the process of applying for Social Security Disability. We will provide a free, no-obligation evaluation and ensure you have the information needed to apply for the benefits you may qualify to receive.
Once you have the opportunity to review this information and ask questions, you can choose to complete the Social Security Disability benefits application online. This is a convenient option and allows you to bypass the need to go into the Social Security Administration office.
It is highly recommended to review the information provided and make sure you have the documents available to fill out the online form. This includes your name, Social Security number, and a complete list of all medical and mental health professionals involved in your diagnosis and treatment. This includes their names, practice or facility addresses, and phone numbers. If you have caseworkers or other medical professionals involved, they will need to be listed as well.
Applicants should have information on any and all prescribed medications as well as the dosages prescribed. If you have any medical records from your PCP, specialists, therapists, caseworkers, rehabilitation services, clinics, or other healthcare facilities, they will also be required. This includes copies of any laboratory or medical testing completed.
The more complete you can be with information, the less risk your application will be delayed or denied. While it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of denial, the more information provided with the application, the less likely there is to be a denial of the initial claim.
If you are applying for Social Security Disability benefits, contact for a free evaluation. This no-obligation free online disability case evaluation will help you understand the benefits and options you may qualify for while also providing you with resources based on your case review.