Financial assistance through the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) programs serve different purposes and have distinct eligibility criteria. In some cases, you might qualify for benefits under both SSI and SSDI. Let’s figure out whether you have concurrent eligibility and how much does SSI and SSDI pay together.
Understanding SSI and SSDI
Before delving into the details of concurrent eligibility, let’s briefly review the key differences between SSI and SSDI:
- SSI: This need-based program provides financial support to disabled individuals, the blind, and those over 65 who have limited income and resources. Eligibility for SSI is not contingent upon your work history.
- SSDI: To qualify for SSDI, you must have a sufficient work history and have paid Social Security taxes. The amount you receive through SSDI is based on your lifetime earnings.
Qualifying for Both SSI and SSDI
In certain situations, you may be eligible to receive benefits through both SSI and SSDI. This is known as concurrent eligibility. To qualify, you must meet the following criteria:
- You have a disability that meets the SSA’s definition.
- You have limited income and resources that fall within the SSI eligibility guidelines.
- You have a sufficient work history and have paid Social Security taxes, making you eligible for SSDI.
How Much Does SSI and SSDI Pay Together?
If you qualify for both SSI and SSDI, the amount you receive each month will depend on several factors. As of 2023, the maximum monthly SSI benefit is $914 for an individual and $1,371 for eligible couples. However, your SSDI benefits will be considered income when determining your SSI payment amount.
Here’s an example: Let’s say you qualify for concurrent benefits and are set to receive $300 per month from SSDI. The SSA classifies this as unearned income, and you can exclude $20 of it. The remaining $280 will count against your SSI benefit. As a result, your maximum SSI payment of $914 would be reduced to $634.
Impact of Other Income Sources on SSI and SSDI
When determining your eligibility and benefit amounts for SSI and SSDI, the Social Security Administration considers:
- Earned income from work
- Unearned income, such as pensions, interest, or dividends
- In-kind income, such as food or shelter provided by others
You should find out how these income sources can affect your benefits. For example, if you receive income from a part-time job, your SSI payment might be reduced. The SSA excludes the first $65 of earned income and half of your earnings over that amount when calculating your SSI benefit.
Continuing Disability Reviews for SSI and SSDI Recipients
Once you start receiving SSI or SSDI benefits, the Social Security Administration will review your case periodically to check if you still meet the disability criteria. These reviews are called Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs) and happen every 3-7 years, depending on the nature and severity of your condition.
During a CDR, the SSA will request updated medical information and may ask you to attend a consultative examination. If they determine that your condition has improved and you are no longer disabled, your benefits may be terminated. However, if your disability persists, your benefits will continue.
Advantages of Receiving Both SSI and SSDI
While your SSDI benefits may reduce your monthly SSI payment, there are several advantages to qualifying for concurrent benefits:
- If you worked at a low-paying job for just long enough to qualify for SSDI, SSI can provide a much-needed supplement to your reduced SSDI benefits.
- SSI does not have a waiting period, so it can provide income during the six-month waiting period before SSDI payments begin.
- SSI recipients may be eligible for Medicaid coverage, which can bridge the 24-month gap before Medicare coverage kicks in for SSDI beneficiaries.
- When you become eligible for Medicare through SSDI, Medicaid can act as a secondary carrier, covering prescription medications and deductibles that Medicare may not.
Applying for SSI and SSDI Together
To apply for both SSI and SSDI, you only need to complete one application, which can be done online, by phone, or in person. The application will ask for information about your medical condition, work history, income, and resources. The SSA will review your application to determine if you meet the non-medical criteria for both programs before assessing whether your disability qualifies you for benefits.
Get in Touch with Benefits Claim to Learn How Much Does SSI and SSDI Pay Together for Your Claim
Figuring out your eligibility for SSI and SSDI can be confusing with all of the requirements and forms involved. If you have questions about how much you may receive if you qualify for both programs, contact the disability advocates at Benefits Claim to learn how much does SSI and SSDI pay together and file your claim.