Disability Attorney Helping With Disability Benefits

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Many services that once required long wait times on the phone or in line are now available online. This includes completing applications for government assistance such as disability benefits. Getting a free online disability case evaluation helps you avoid delays.

If you or a loved one has a disability and want to know if you qualify for assistance, you can conveniently begin the process at BenefitsClaim.com. Case evaluation specialists can help you with completing the application and know what to expect moving forward.

Application Assistance Helps You Avoid Costly Mistakes

Typically, trying to receive disability payments can be a long and difficult process. While you are tending to your medical needs, you are also trying to complete an application that seems never-ending.

Filling out a disability application on your own could lead to costly mistakes such as:

• Omitting relevant medical details
• Incomplete work history
• Providing incorrect dates
• Using incorrect ID numbers or codes
• Making mistakes with financial information
• Typos that make it difficult to process the application

At BenefitsClaim.com, we complete a disability benefits case evaluation for answers to basic questions that ensure mistakes do not delay or deny your approval. You can also get assistance from a disability attorney who makes sure everything on the application is correct.

The first thing that you can expect from a free online disability case evaluation is to have a legal expert conduct a disability benefits case evaluation. With a professional who knows the requirements to qualify for disability benefits, you know from the beginning whether you qualify.

This start helps the transition into actually completing the application smoother. Generally, you will need to provide some basic information related to your situation. This includes any supporting documentation about your disability.

Next, one of our case evaluators uses the information that you provide to determine if more details are necessary. In some situations, you may need to see a doctor to confirm certain types of disabilities.

Finally, our team will help keep you on track to properly complete the benefits application.

Gathering Medical Evidence

As you begin a free online disability case evaluation, gathering medical evidence becomes a crucial part of building a winning claim.

Either your attorney or a representative from their law firm will request medical records and ensure the Social Security Administration, or SSA, receives them before your hearing.

The Social Security Administration dictates the examination required to win a disability claim. Therefore, a legal professional will need to review your medical records. This will help them determine if additional testing that supports your claim is required.

Typically, you will sign a medical privacy release form to give your disability lawyer permission to receive your medical records. Based on the results of the review, our legal team may ask the Administration to schedule a consultative examination.

Having an attorney means you get expert representation who decides which physicians are appropriate for obtaining statements that support your functional limitations.

Not only can legal counsel decide what medical evidence is relevant, but they also know what to do about bad evidence that could weaken your case.

Criteria Used to Evaluate a Disability Case

Although substantial medical evidence is required to prove that you are entitled to disability benefits, the Social Security Administration can deny your claim even when you or a loved one are declared disabled.

Our team at BenefitsClaim.com uses the same laws that SSA uses in our disability benefits case evaluation. Based on medical records and any other information you share, we apply the laws to your condition and severity level.

By answering various questions, our legal experts look for all factors that can affect the decision for disability benefits. The discussion to building your case will include factors such as:

• Your age and education level
• Relevant work experience
• Physical, mental or a combination associated with your medical condition
• Job functions routinely performed during every shift throughout the year
• Physical limitations to walking, lifting, bending or standing
• Psychological or mental problems that limit your ability to maintain productivity, attention or endure a work environment while taking medications
• The need for frequent breaks at work
• Pain or fatigue
• Any other individual factors that may affect your case

Usually, a disability claim denial is because SSA believes you can still have the ability to do some type of work. It also does not help your claim if SSA evaluators overlook certain conditions relative to your case. They may even determine that certain medical or psychological conditions are not severe enough to last longer than 12 months.

Why You Should Hire a Disability Attorney

A top reason that you should hire a disability attorney is to significantly increase your chances of being approved. Some people can get approved for disability benefits after applying on their own.

However, statistics show that receiving Social Security disability benefits improve with legal counsel representing you in front of a judge.

Beginning with the initial application through the hearing and afterward, a disability lawyer knows how to best present a case that puts your claim in a favorable light. For example, your disability lawyer can craft a narrative that shows your condition is on the impairments list.

Also, legal counsel can coach you on focusing only on the most persuasive facts. If your disability case goes to reconsideration and hearing levels, your disability attorney can gather and submit medical evidence that is relevant to your disability.

Further, your lawyer will get an opinion letter from your physician and draft a brief for the Administrative Law Judge. You will also be prepped on answering questions that may arise during the hearing.

Eliciting helpful testimony and cross-examining a medical or vocational expert is more proof of what having an attorney does for your case. Legal representation will continue throughout all stages of appeal, if necessary.

Your disability lawyer will craft legal arguments to show your benefits were wrongly denied.

Assistance with Disabled Widows and Widowers Benefits

Receiving a free online disability case evaluation applies if you need disabled widows and widowers benefits assistance. If your spouse recently passed, you may qualify for Disabled Widows Benefits, or DWB.

You may also receive this type of benefit if your marriage to an ex-spouse lasted for 10 years or longer. In either situation, you must be between 50 and 60 years of age and became disabled within seven years of or before your spouse’s death.

Your disability must meet the meet SSA’s definition of a disability for adults. Fortunately, a good disability attorney can provide comprehensive legal representation.

The disabled widows and widowers benefits assistance you receive through professional legal representation is different from what a Social Security Advocate can do.

While they might offer assistance with completing paperwork, they cannot give you the legal advice required to ensure you receive your entitled benefits.

Evaluation for an SSDI Benefits Case

Accurate information is the gold standard during a disability benefits case evaluation. Our team will use the information that you provide through our website to determine the strength of your Social Security Disability Insurance claim.

Based on the information provided, an experienced SSDI attorney will apply specific criteria to determine if you have a valid case. Answers to the following questions become part of the SSDI benefits case evaluation:

• Are you currently working?
• Is your condition on SSA’s disabled conditions list?
• Is your condition considered severe?
• Are you capable of performing the same work you could do before the disability?
• Are you able to perform any type of work?

If a valid claim is still unclear after this part of the SSDI benefits case evaluation, more discussion and exploration of the facts will be necessary before making a final determination about proceeding with your case.

Benefits for a Disabled Adult Child

Another reason you might need a free online disability case evaluation is if you need to apply for disabled adult child benefits. There are specific qualification requirements that must be met before proceeding with this type of evaluation.

To ensure that your adult child receives disability benefits to help with their proper care, they must have become disabled before age 22. Additionally, their disability must meet the medical standard for disabled adult child benefits.

Meeting other certain requirements means your adult child may receive benefits under your Social Security account. A knowledgeable disability lawyer will help you through the often convoluted process to improve your chances of being approved.

Get Disability Benefits with Expert Help

While the federal government may want people who need disability benefits to apply, the many regulations that govern SSDI applications and approvals can make this a distant hope. That is why BenefitsClaim.com offers a free online disability case evaluation to improve your chances.

Knowing that you are completing the application properly makes a huge difference. With help from our team and an SSDI attorney, you can submit your application with confidence that you are prepared every step of the way.

To navigate the SSDI system successfully, you will need more than just your testimony. Along with a disability case evaluation, an attorney can help you obtain and present medical evidence that establishes your inability to perform any work.

Additionally, if you are denied widows, SSDI or disabled adult child benefits, your disability lawyer can appeal your case.

Start today by getting a free online disability case evaluation by our team of professionals. We go through each step to ensure no time is wasted. Our goal is to help you get approved for the maximum amount of benefits to which you are entitled.

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